Tuesday, May 1, 2012

antique treasures

I went to Greenwood, MS last weekend for a friend's baby shower and had the chance to go to an antique show at the local Episcopal Church.  I had so much fun!  They had such cool stuff...I wanted to share some of my pictures. 

I found this re-finished antique tool box and I thought my dad would love it.  He loves antiques and it is impossible to buy him anything.  I could kick myself for not buying it the moment I saw it.  I came back around to buy it, and it had the sold sign on it. 

This hutch was absolutely gorgeous.  They bought it in Cashiers, NC.  I love mixing old with new and this piece brings so much depth.

This hutch belonged to my grandfather (my dad's dad).  It's been in our house since I was born.  Patsy is notorious for moving furniture and re-modeling, but it finally found it's way to our kitchen.  I love this piece.  It used to be filled with cookbooks...but she just cleaned it out because she is in the process of re-doing the kitchen.

Mom and Dad bought us this hutch at an estate sale in Southern Illinois.  It even has the original glass!  We love our hutch, and right now it's located in our entryway.


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