Tuesday, June 5, 2012

couch to 5k

I'm definitely not a runner.  I would rather get on the elliptical, lift weights, walk, do yoga, or ride a bike (pretty much anything, but run).  I want to wake up and just go for a run.  I don't really think that will ever happen, but I want to run a 5k.  It's on my bucket list, and now is the time to do it.  I found this picture on pinterest, and it inspired me to start running. 

I'm a former couch to 5k drop out. Clay and I tried this program two years ago, and we dropped out by week 3. I'm hoping that this time, I will actually be able to go for a 30 minute jog by the end. Easier said than done for me.

I'm only on week 1...we'll see if I can make it to 10.  Y'all need to hold me accountable!

These running pics always make me laugh...




  1. Good luck! I am not a runner at all. I can only handle some fast walking or, as some may call it, power walking. So not as cool as running :)

    1. Same here!! I love to power walk, hate to run. Hopefully this program will help!


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